Why subscribe?

If you’re someone who wants to optimise their creativity, communication and/or fulfilment in life- this is the newsletter for you!

“Reading between the lines” literally means to comprehend the true meaning and context of communication. You understand what someone really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not said openly.

I work as a full-time Voice, Accent and Communications Coach (I know, niche). My time is split between training actors, leaders and anyone who feels as though they need a helping hand with commanding a room and feeling confident in communicating again.

The nature of my work means that I literally learn something new every week. And I am having to constantly test my ability in “reading between the lines” towards my clients and students. So why not share it with the world and hope that my insights can make you an even better communicator?

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Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox when you subscribe - and I will be sending one out every week!

Join the crew

Be part of a community of people who share your anxieties, fears and dreams. If you have found this page because you want to be the best communicator, story-teller and individual you can be- you’re not alone, and this community can support you on this journey :)

Subscribe to Between the Lines

Discussions on how to optimise your communication, creativity and fulfilment from the perspective of a full-time Voice and Accent Coach


🗣 Voice & Accent 📣 Public Speaking and Presentation Skills 🎥 Audition Preparation and Podcast work